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Free Online Course for Kids in Years 5-9 (age 10-15)

'Stress & Me: Years 5-9' offered through mieact.

BEST FOR: Young People (tweens and teens)

DURATION: 30 - 45 minutes

COST: nothing!

This 1 hour program is complemented with an online interactive. Students will complete quizzes, watch videos including powerful lived experience stories, try out some stress response techniques and finish off by creating their own personal stress response plan

Co-designed with our lived experience volunteers, this course will help students identify ways to respond positively to challenging situations where stress arises using strategies such as early help-seeking and optimistic thinking, to promote health, safety and well-being in relation to stress for themselves and others.

There is also a teacher/caregiver resource that can be downloaded for free to turn this into a full workshop!

Course Link:


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